The importance of a company having accurate financial statements is critical, but during a world pandemic we can relax our guard against frâud.  Payroll plays a hug part protecting a company’s financial statements even during such world events.  These outside factors have impacted payroll departments such as working from home, spam emails appearing to be from leaders within an organization that is looking for confidential information to employee direct deposit changes that are not valid.   Unnecessary fraudulent transactions can cost companies and employee thousands of dollars each year and even more now.

Participant will gain tools to reduce or eliminate the chances of payroll frâud, understanding laws that can affect payroll frâud and how to handle them.  Will also review the Sarbanes Oxley 404 requirements for publicly traded companies and how they are intended to reduce payroll frâud.  Will review with participant current frâud trends that are targeting payroll departments and how to protect employee and company data.  Discussion on how to keep confidential information confidential during such a crazy time in the world.

Webinar Highlights
  • Payroll Frâud Statistic's-How big of a problem is it?
  • How does payroll frâud occur? Internal and External Factors
  • Preventing Payroll Frâud
  • Internal Controls
  • Tools (Process Maps, Business Continuity Plans, Process Documentation
  • Audits
  • Sarbanes-Oxley 404 Requirements
  • Ethical Business Practices
  • Learn about current frâudulent activity and how it is impacting companies
  • Details around statistics of how often payroll frâud occurs
  • Tools to have better processes and controls in place to prevent frâud
  • To gain legal rules around detecting and deferring payroll frâud.  Will review tools that companies can use to make sure that frâud can be deterred or detected immediately.
Who Should Attend?

All levels of payroll professionals